In the last few blogs weve focused on the sentimental reasons to preplan your funeral. There are also very pragmatic, practical reasons to make all the arrangements yourself. This weeks blog will review some of these reasons. FINANCIAL REASONS When you preplan and prepay for a funeral you lock in todays price for the goods and services. The price of funerals has skyrocketed over the last few decades and locking in the price makes financial sense. Between 2004 and 2014 the median cost of a funeral rose 28.6 percent. In the state of New York, all wills go through probate court and this can delay distribution of funds for an unreasonable amount of time. By prepaying, you are taking care of things so that a family member doesnt have to put themselves in financial straights to pay for things after your death. Another benefit is that paying for your own funeral naturally limits your estate and therefore the estate taxes your beneficiaries will have to pay. PAPERWORK IN ORDER Pre-planning your funeral gives you the chance to put your papers in order. Many people die leaving their paperwork a maze for family members to find their way through during an already stressful time. Another benefit is that paying for your own funeral naturally limits your estate and therefore the estate taxes your beneficiaries will have to pay. The best thing to do is to have your preplanned funeral paperwork filed at a funeral home and at a lawyers office along with your other legal documents. If you have any questions about preplanning a funeral, talk to one of Harmony Funeral Homes experienced and compassionate funeral directors.